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The following Golf Coaching sessions touch all three dimensions: Mental Approach - Golf Technique - Golf Fitness

Individual Golf Coaching  is always the most effective. 
The student gets full attention to solve the problem area as quick as possible.
If one Golf Technique P
roblem can`t be solved within 60 minutes to the better than before, no payment is required.
Coaching fee on request.

Introductory Course
- 5 days (210 Minutes daily)


Playing Ability: No Experience.

Equipment: Sportshoes, shirt with collar, rental clubs available.

Target: Playing certificate.

With the success-programme of the Dr.Golf Academy this course will prepare you for achieving the "playing certificate" .
The course will be conducted by Dr.Volker Bernhardt.

You'll learn the basic shots of the golf game (putting, chipping, pitching, 1/2 & 3/4 swing, full-swing and bunker-shots), to be able to play on the golf course after only 5 days under the supervision of your instructor.

You'll also learn the basic Golf-rules, some typical Golf-terminology, a little history about the game and some basic knowledge about Golf-equipment.

Training-devices, developed by Dr.Golf, will help you to find the required movement by including all relevant senses (feeling, seeing, hearing).

Besides learning the different Golf-shots you'll experience the correct mental approach for fast learing and successful play on the golf-course. Golf-fitness is also a small part of the introductory golf-programme.

Programme (Starting times: Mornings - 09.00 - 12.30 )

Price on request

Intermediate Course 
5 days (210 Minutes daily)


Playing Ability: Playing certificate.

Target: Preparation for your handicap

The course will be conducted by Dr.Golf -Dr.Volker Bernhardt.

With the success-programme of the Dr.Golf Academy this course will prepare you for achieving your handicap.

You'll improve t
he basic shots of the golf game (putting, chipping, pitching, 1/2 & 3/4 swing, full-swing and bunker-shots), and you'll learn how to deal with the uneven lies. A swing analysis with high-tech computer equipment will support the technique training. Training-devices, developed by Dr.Golf, will help you to find the required movement by including all relevant senses (feeling, seeing, hearing).

Besides learning the different Golf-shots you'll experience the correct mental approach for fast learning and successful play on the golf-course. The Golf-fitness programmes are also part of the intermediate golf-programme.

Programme (Starting times: Mornings - 09.00 - 12.30 )


Price on request


Advanced Course
- 5 days  (210 Minutes daily)


Playing Ability:


Ladies:  Handicap - 32

Men:  Handicap - 24.

Target: Improvement of handicap to that of a succesful tournament player.

The course will be conducted by Dr.Volker Bernhardt.

With the success-programme of the Dr.Golf Academy this course will prepare you for improving your handicap or tournament golf.

You'll improve the basic shots of the golf game (putting, chipping, pitching, 1/2 & 3/4 swing, full-swing and bunker-shots), and you'll learn how to deal with the uneven lies. A swing analysis with high-tech computer 
equipment will support the technique training. Training-devices, developed by Dr.Golf, will help you to find the required movement by including all relevant senses (feeling, seeing, hearing).


Besides learning the different Golf-shots you'll experience the correct mental approach for playing under pressure.

Individual Golf-fitness programmes are part of the
advanced golf-programme.


Programme (Starting times: Mornings - 09.00 - 12.30 )


Price on request

If you click on the following Dr.Golf Books you could purchase them already before attending one of the above courses
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A good golfer is in everyone! You just need the knowledge in this book, so it can flow out. Here you will find the path to incredible heights for your own game. Intuition brings you the right decision and once you start to flow you will merge with the activity. You will learn how to harness this energy for successful play. The indicated route will allow you to slip into imagined golf dimensions. With these insights, you will experience golf in the way you have always dreamed of.
Dr.Golf Tests
If you already have a handicap as a golfer and wish to improve your skill level, then  Dr. Volker Bernhardt "Dr.Golf" recommends an analysis game. Only during the a game on the course the golf coach can analyze accurately where the players weaknesses are in each of the three key areas: Mental approach including course strategy, technical skills and your golf fitness level. Despite testing on the golf course we can test also each dimention separately; Mental ability, Golf ability, Fitness level.
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The Dr.Golf Fitness program will not only improve your golf fitness on Flexibility, Strength and Endurance, it will give you more energy for your daily tasks. Through the Dr.Golf Fitness Test you can find out your fitness weakness and through the given programs with maximum 6 exercises for Flexibility, Strength and Endurance you can improve drastically in a very short time. The exercise program for golfers with back problems will get you back to golf faster than anticipated. Following the nutritional advice on top of the good workouts guarantees the route for becoming a champion.
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Golf is a very sensitive, individual game. From world-class performance to total disaster, anything is possible even with the best players. This makes it all the more important to understand the game in many ways and to be able to take quick corrective measures through self-help. With the 88 tips for the preparation, during and after the game regarding mental attitude - technique and fitness, self-help is on offer for every player class. This book is only in German language but with the many illustrations also very helpful, mostly no need to understand the text.
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